Stack of useless technical manuals

Useful or Useless: How to Tell If Your Manual Needs An Overhaul

Various types of technical manuals are meant to make complex information more accessible to end users. However, we’ve all experienced the mind-numbing frustration of trying to follow documents with too much technical jargon that are difficult to understand. Bad user guides make the reader feel frustrated and create more questions than answers. Poorly written instructions …

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Since You Asked…

“I write because nobody listens” seems to fit the bill for the writers of the world. We find that our voices may seem small, or go unnoticed, until we put the pen to paper. Once our thoughts escape our minds, pass over our mouths, travel to our hands, and become written words, the world seems …

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Writing and Editing

Hyphens, En Dashes, and Em Dashes—Oh, my!

Everyone needs a break now and then, and sentences are no different. Most writers already have a handle on how to use commas and periods to break up text and give the reader a chance to breathe. However, one of the most overlooked and least understood punctuation marks is the dash. Dashes are multipurpose tools …

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